Sunday, April 24, 2005

Tax Update

I finally worked out my Canadian taxes. Thanks to a small RRSP contribution, I owe nothing. :) I don't get anything back either... the education credits are now non-refundable. :( (I think they started that last year.) I'll e-file them tomorrow. I was going to do it tonight, but I don't want to have to figure out how to handle my computer hanging up in the middle. It dosen't often hang up, but it's already done so once tonight. :P

Well, I should go finish my pita bread. It's had enough time for the first rising, and is due for the second. I should manage it have it done in time to go to bed at 11:00. :) Mmmmm... my lovely mattress is calling! ;)

I haven't mopped yet, but I managed to get all my other chores done, so I'll forgive myself. I'll start the mopping process tomorrow... or sometime soon. ;) It really needs it though. I've got quite a bit of accumulated dust, and when I changed the air filter recently, I noticed it looked a bit yellow. :P So somehow, there's pollen getting in the house. Probably when I go in and out. Speaking of pollen, when I went out yesterday, I happened to be looking at a stand of pines when the wind gusted. A large yellow cloud came out of the pines. Yuck!!! (Not gross... but "yuck, that's the last thing my allergies need.")

The other pollen update? I bought a nice big 15 pack of dust masks at Lowes. They were a pretty good price. The only downside? They're mint green (not so bad), with instructions for use printed on the front. Joy... goggle geek will look even stranger! I think I'll leave goggle geek home on Tuesday so I can go to the bank and post office. I could go Monday, but I have a meeting with my advisor, so I'd prefer to be in reasonable enough shape to get some work done before my meeting.

Okay... off to pita bread! :)

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