Saturday, April 23, 2005

Silly Quizzes

Your Boobies' Names Are: Siegfried and Roy

Hmmm... strange. Now, if I had come with alternate equipment, here's what it'd be called:

Your Penis Name is: Free Willy

Rather ironic, I think. :P


Daph said...

ROFLMAO! Your boobies are fruitcakes, LOL! I did that one with Bryan's boobies, and they were named, like, Bert and Ernie, or something hilarious like that.

Leave it to me and my potty humor to LOVE those quizzes.

noricum said...

That's so cute! Odd, however, that all our boobies have male names, though. ;) My boobie names did have me laughing in the aisles too. ;)