Monday, April 11, 2005

National Geographic

I had my doctor's appointment this morning, and then dropped by the pharmacy. We've decided to cut my Prozac dose in half and see what happens, and I needed a refill on my antihistamines. While waiting at the pharmacy, I noticed an issue of National Geographic with a man with a sheepskin coat on the cover. I was curious, so picked it up instead of my crocheting. There was a nifty article on the history of wool. I didn't manage to finish... it was a 40 page article, and only a 20 minute wait for my drugs. I did, however, jot down the details so I can finish reading. If you're interested too, the article is in Volume 173, Number 5 (May 1988), pages 552-591 (I think... the last few pages were missing, but the following article started on page 592 according to the cover).

I tried checking the local digital library, but our holdings don't go back far enough. :( I guess I'll see if the regular physical library has it. (Sneeze, snuffle... I'm allergic to libraries. :P )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No you're not -- you're allergic to the dust that accumulates on the books over time (and possibly chemicals released by the books as they age...I'm not an expert in this area, so please don't let me elaborate). I'd bet if you walked into a brand new library, you wouldn't have an allergic reaction. ;)

On the other hand, reactions like yours are another good reason for us to continue collecting things digitally wherever possible. The one usually cited is service to distance education students.

(sorry, must defend the library...)