Sunday, May 08, 2005


Ro tagged me. ;)

Pick 5 of the following and then complete the sentences. Then pass it on to 3 more of your blog friends! But no tag backs!

The Premise (pick 5):

If I could be a scientist...
If I could be a farmer...
If I could be a musician...
If I could be a doctor...
If I could be a painter...
If I could be a gardener...
If I could be a missionary...
If I could be a chef...
If I could be an architect...
If I could be a linguist...
If I could be a psychologist...
If I could be a librarian...
If I could be an athlete...
If I could be a lawyer...
If I could be an inn-keeper...
If I could be a professor...
If I could be a writer...
If I could be a llama-rider...
If I could be a bonnie pirate...
If I could be an astronaut...
If I could be a world famous blogger...
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world...
If I could be married to any current famous political figure...

Here are my five choices:

If I could be a professor... I'd be so darn happy, and move back to Winnipeg right away! (I just need to finish this dang degree... :P )

If I could be a llama-rider... I'd visit lots of mountains, and give free llama-wool sweaters to any poor children I came across.

If I could be a librarian... I'd invent dust-free libraries, so that others with allergies could enjoy the books.

If I could be married to any current famous political figure... I'd say no... I'm rather happy with a private life.

If I could be an astronaut... I'd explore the universe!

And for tagging... I tag Suzanne, to welcome her to blogging, Kelli, because she's thinking about her future, and Paulina, because I like tagging her. :)


Anonymous said...

What the heck does it mean to tag someone, Andrea?

noricum said...

It means it's your turn to answer the silly meme. In this case, you do what the instructions say, which is to paste the starts of all those sentences in your blog, pick five, complete them, then tag three other people. ;)