Monday, June 06, 2005


  • can't I fall asleep easily even if I'm up until 2 am baking pita bread?
  • do I wake up at 6am with my mosquito bites itching even more than they did when I first got them?
  • (after deciding to go back to bed after my alarm goes off, in hopes of not needing a nap this afternoon) does the maintenance man finally decide to show up to install my cabinet? (He offered to come back later, but I said he might as well do it now.)

Maintenance man (MM) is having a heck of a time separating my cabinet from the wall. It is being held up by four screws and 55 layers of paint. Inside and out. It's hard to use a screwdriver when there are 55 layers of paint on the screw heads.

I think the cabinet door just left the building. (Gets up to check.) No! He actually got the whole thing out! Without pulling the wall down! I snapped a picture of the hole in my wall. It was amazingly clean.

MM measured the hole, and isn't sure the new one will fit. He said he might need to go back to Lowes.

I wonder how long I'll have this hole in my wall?

MM is back. Height is perfect, width is off... but narrower rather than wider. I have faith that MM can make it fit. (MM seems unusually competent for a GL employee... he must be new.)

The new cabinet appears to be a super-cheap plastic. (I'm pretty sure the old one was metal under all those layers of paint.) I doubt this one will last to get 55 layers of paint, but then I won't be here that long either. As long as it doesn't crack before I leave, I'll just consider myself lucky that it doesn't have grungy paint all over the inside. (Yet... they'll probably ...hopefully... be touching up the paint around the cabinet where the new cabinet doesn't cover what the old cabinet did... I hope they decide to paint *just* the wall.)

I think I'll have breakfast now, and then work until I can safely shower.

I'll post pictures later.

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