Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Alison Effect

Site statistics are fun.

After Jeff linked to me, I got a bunch of hits coming off his blog, or blogs that found me because of his blog. I didn't have the site statistics the day he posted, but when I got them a few days later, I think around seven of the first ten hits were because of him.

My thoughts at that point were something like: "Whoa... look at all the hits I'm getting! I wonder why Jeff's readers find a geometer talking about yarn interesting."

The percentage of hits resulting from Jeff dropped after that, although I still do get some.

What I have now, I'm calling the Alison effect. Here's a graph:

Thursday is artificially low, because I didn't add the site statistics until Thursday evening. Friday through Monday's hits are pretty even, although people, fortunately, mostly have better things to do on a Saturday than read my blog. ;)

Tuesday is when Alison mentioned me in her blog.

Hi all of Alison's readers!

I'll keep you posted on the "half-life" of the Alison effect. I expect it should drop off fairly quickly. ;) After all, I crochet rather than knit (although I'm trying to relearn knitting), and I talk about boring things like how often I wash my dishes. Speaking of which, I washed them tonight, and used my new RAOK dishcloth. :) (Thanks fairy! It worked great!)

I've been bad and didn't ride my exercise bike yesterday or today. I was going to go to bed early tonight, but then didn't wash my dishes until after 11, and now look at the time! Yikes! Good night, folks!

(One last item: I finished two more afghan squares. I'll post photos eventually.)


Liz said...

I had the "Annie effect" followed closely by the "Margene effect".

It is fun to watch the statistics, I guess someday I might bore of it. Someday.

Anonymous said...

I looove the socks that you made Alison, Bravo! Where did you get the pattern? I must have it ;-)
-Mary andmimi@gmail.com

alison said...

How funny that you've got all this tracked out on a graph! I love it. I never look at my statistics, but I bet there's all kinds of interesting "effects" in there to be found. Neat!

noricum said...

The graphs are generated by the site that does the statistics... and I *love* graphs. ;) You sure did produce an incredibly big spike! My stats have settled down to a steady just-under-fifty daily hit rate.