Sunday, December 19, 2004

Waking up.

I enjoyed today's PhD comic.

I woke up around 6 this morning, and strangely felt like getting up. However, it was cold in the house (my parents turn the heat down overnight), so I jumped back in bed after going to the washroom. I did that several times, until the heat finally came on at 8. ;) However, it's probably a good sign that I can feel awake and well rested that early in the morning. I went to bed at 10 last night, so 6 was about 8 hours later... things are looking up for next term!

I had a dream last night that I was fencing. For some reason, I was in a gym where they were teaching a bunch of people how to fence, and the real fencing team was there too. After the general lesson, the team members paired off and started fencing. Manuel (the coach I had back when I was fencing) was also the coach in the team, and he made me take an additional lesson, even though I tried to say I wasn't one of the real fencers any more. I really enjoyed myself. I'm thinking maybe I should bring some of my equipment back to school with me so I can start up again. I won't bring my mask... it's probably not safe any more... but I could probably pack my pants, jacket, glove, and stuff like that. The main problem is packing my epees. My big suitcase isn't long enough, and I already have two bags with me, so I can't bring my fencing bag back. I really prefer epee over foil, but the club at UNC only has foils to loan people. (UNC's team fences all three weapons, though, so I could fence wtih them if I had a weapon.)

Mom just came down for her shower... apparently the heat does come on at 6, but it takes a while for the house to warm up. We have hot water heat hear, not forced air.

I didn't do any crochet yesterday, but I did wrap all the presents (except the scarf for my dad's girlfriend, which isn't quite done).

Today mom and Bob are going to a movie downtown, so my brother and I are tagging along to go shopping. (Saves on parking, or bus costs.) My brother has decided he'll buy me a new backpack for Christmas, but thought I should come to pick out which one I want. (Also, I also have a membership to MEC, which is where we're planning on shopping.) I put a new backpack on my wishlist because the straps on my current pack are dying. I seem to destroy backpacks fairly quickly, for some reason.

Speaking of backpacks, I'm thinking of crocheting a felted laptop sleeve. My current laptop sleeve is way too big, and thus is hard to cram in my backpack. I tried making one out of some quilted fabric, but it didn't have enough padding, and ended up too big too. (So it let my laptop flop around... it was soft enough that getting it in my backpack wasn't a problem.) I'm thinking a felted bag, plus a bit of extra foam on the bottom, might do the trick. (And I can shrink it until it's the right size. ;) )

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