Thursday, June 02, 2005


Does anyone know what Heicheln are? I was reading Zweites Kapitel, "In welchem Tieger in den Wald kommt und frühstückt," and in it, Ferkel eats Heicheln for breakfast. (Tieger mögen keine Heicheln.) Heicheln is one of the words I don't know, and neither does my dictionary. I didn't have any luck googling it. (Although I did find the text of this chapter online.) If you know what Heicheln are, could you leave me a comment? (Or, if you have the English version, could you let me know what Piglet eats for breakfast?) Thanks!

Update: Never mind... it just occurred to me to google the English version of the chapter. I found it (at a Russian site, oddly enough), and apparently Heicheln are haycorns. This doesn't exactly help, though, because I don't know what haycorns are either. Unless they mean grain?

Update 2: This just in: haycorns are acorns! (Heicheln sind Eicheln!) The disadvantage to reading Pu auf Deutsch: purposely misspelled words.


Anonymous said...

Hahah, I'm reading this in German at the moment also, and I forgot my dictionary so I just searched it and this came up.. it was so funny to see -exactly- what I was looking for! xD Just had to comment.. and thank you for the help, by the way, my mom speaks German fluently and she didn't know so it would have been hard trying to figure it out. :D
Vielen Dank. =D

noricum said...

Bitte! ;)

Anonymous said...

Heicheln (Eicheln) is the translation of haycorns (acorns) in the original version.

Anja said...

I am reading this in German at the minute, and it is so funny to see -exactly- what I was looking for -and- a comment expressing -exactly- what I was thinking! Daaannnnkkkke ;)