Sunday, June 12, 2005

Inane Babbling

"You don't need to be smart to be a control freak, but it's better for the end result if you are."

Says me... who is desperately trying not to rip the modular polyhedra out of Suzanne's hands, to finish myself. (I am a control freak. Suzanne made some comment about me being smart. I said the above... the two are not related.)

Hiding in my office and blogging is helping me control my control freak tendencies. (I'm even a control freak over my tendencies.)

While in the other room, I'm working on Bob's socks.

This is Suzanne's polyhedra. I helped fold the 60 edges, and now it's her time to play, not mine. No, not mine at all. I must sit and keep from tearing it away from her! (Tearing and paper don't work well together.)

Well, I should stop ignoring my guest, and go back to Bob's socks.

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