Thursday, June 16, 2005

Good Morning

I straggled in to school this morning at a much better hour. Not ideal, but better. Of course, the panic due to an afternoon meeting may be my driving force.

Speaking of panic, I've been having more of my little panic attacks since decreasing my Prozac. My mood is still good, just more of my little occasional bouts of 10 second "ackIcan'tbreathIambadwhatamIdoingIambadbadbadIneedtohurlack" attacks. They go as quickly as they come... leaving me a little tense, but some conscious relaxation helps that pass too. They're a nuisance, but I can handle them. The only time one *really* bothered me was one that happened when I was walking with my dad, and realized I was talking/muttering out loud about the crazy racing thoughts in my head. Luckily my dad's a bit deaf, so I don't think he noticed.

My apartment looks strange to me now. It's so naked. I wonder how the lack of shrubbery will affect my cooling bill?

The temperature was much nicer as I came to school this morning. I'll have to see if I can manage even earlier tomorrow. :)

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