Friday, February 18, 2005


I accomplished a lot yesterday, but very little today.

This morning I commented how my tuition bill hasn't arrived yet. It's here now... wheeee. :P It's not lonely either... my power bill came today too. (The power bill isn't nearly as much as the tuition, though. I wonder if it has an inferiority complex?)

This afternoon I spent two and a half hours ripping apart a pair of students... not my choice. My advisor volunteered me, because he had to leave early. Two biology students were giving a practice talk that happened to be in my dissertation area. Poor, unprepared students. I wasn't the only one... their prof was ripping them apart too. However, he didn't have a clue what they were talking about, so I ended up explaining what they should have. To their credit, they didn't cry. (I would have, in their place.) They are *not* going to have a fun weekend implementing our constructive criticism. (The real talk is Monday afternoon... and they pretty much need to start from scratch.) I'm glad I'm not them... but then I have my own load of stuff to do this weekend. :P

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