Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Silly Quiz

Saw this on Sara's blog:

I have a few questions for those of you who crochet and knit too, or for those who crochet and tried to learn to knit but didn't stick with it for whatever reason.

1. Do you crochet and knit, too?
Yep, I do both.

2. If so, do you prefer crochet or knitting, and why?
I enjoy both, but differently. I miss the soothing motions of crochet if I don't have a big project going, but I prefer the look of knit for some items.

3. Is there a difference in the type of yarns you prefer for crochet vs. the type you prefer for knitting? If so:
I prefer to use finer, softer yarns in crochet, in order to get a bit of drape.

3a. What type of yarns do you prefer for crocheting and why?
For most items, I prefer DK weight or lighter.

3b. What type of yarns do you prefer for knitting and why?
So far I've liked pretty much all the yarns I've tried, but I haven't tried knitting with novelty yarns, or really bulky yarns.

5. Do you make the same types of things in crochet and knit, or do you mainly do certain projects in crochet and other types of things in knitting?
Yes and no.

6. Which did you learn to do first?
I learned crochet, then knitting, then crochet, then knitting. (I learned both when I was young, then forgot them, and relearned both in the past few years.)

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