Friday, September 30, 2005

Reconnaissance Report, 27.08.05

We went on our first mission today. In the interest of keeping the proper military chain of command, I assigned myself the rank of captain. My brother, Soggy, now has the rank of sergeant. Our host has not been assigned a rank, given her civilian classification.

With the assistance of our host, we travelled to the benignly-named Earth Fare Prison Camp to liberate as many vegetables as we could. Due to the cost of the operation, and our limited resources, we were only able to save two yellow tomatoes, eighteen green beens, a red onion, a midget head of garlic, and some very pickled olives. To disguise the purpose of our mission, our host also purchased some non-vegetable sustenance: turkey jerky, feta cheese, and chocolate. (We consulted the USDA food guide, which assured us that chocolate is not a vegetable.)

Here we are returning from our mission, aboard the local public troop transportation:
On Mission
The vegetables are in the bag. For their safety, we decided that they should remain concealed until we had returned to our home base.

The vegetables are recuperating from their captivity in the Crisper Unit under the care of Canadian Lieutenant Bacon. (We assume that's his name and rank... our somewhat confused host introduced him as "Leftover Canadian Bacon".) Lt. Bacon is a very well rounded individual, and is protected by a hermetically sealed plastic bag, in case any of the new recruits have any infectious diseases. We are looking into local detox facilities for the olives.

Over and out, Captain Crispy.

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