Last night I stopped in to see my dad's dog on the way home. Nicky was *so* excited to see me! :) I wasn't excited to have the muddy footprints on my jacket, though. Dad had just come home, so I talked to him for a bit too. When I left, Nicky stood longingly by the back gate and whined and howled the way he does when dad is gone. Heh, heh, heh! (Dad now gets to know what Nicky is like when he's gone. Or not... dad's a bit deaf.)
I told dad I'd help him replace the track on his back gate. I'm not sure when we're doing this, but at least the weather is nice.
Mom painted cool chickens this week:

I think she did a fantastic job. It's really hard to let loose and paint with a big brush and still have something recognizable. (A lot harder than you'd think.) It's for sale, if anyone is interested. ;) (Although it may change slightly when she takes it in to her art class today for critique.)
I made some progress on my dissertation last night... my advisor wants me to do the proofs with invariants rather than procedural steps... I think I managed to make some progress on that. :) I have my meeting with him this morning.
I fell again this morning... I wasn't being too careful, because I wasn't walking on ice. It turns out, however, that there was some slippery frozen mud under a thin layer of slippery wet mud, and, well... I got mud on my hands, knee, and shoes, and my other knee feels a wee bit wrenched. Luckily I was close to home and had enough time to get a paper towel to clean my hands and shoes, although I didn't have enough time to change my pants.
I lost my size E crochet hook!!! I went to work on the socks on the bus, and my hook wasn't in it's bag! I'll check on the path I took from the bus stop to home, at home, and then home to the bus stop to see if it fell out one of those places. I have a spare, but I was a wee bit sentimental about how I had used this one so much I had worn off the finish in one spot. I need to go to Ram Wools to pick up a few more spares (now that I'm down to one hook)... perhaps I can console myself with a skein or two of koigu? ;) (I shouldn't, but I might anyway.)
My new glasses are ready! Here they are:

and here I am with them on, this time with no flash (but more zits and an unflattering colour of t-shirt):

They're a wee bit stronger, so I'm having to adjust. Everything looks just a bit funky. (To match my glasses! ;) )
SNB at L's last night was a blast again! I brought Debbie New's "Unexpected Knitting" to pass around, and everyone was fascinated. E brought a traditional Chinese dessert containing red bean paste and sticky rice flour. I'm about two thirds of the way through the first repeat of the second chart of Durrow's sleeves. The knotwork looks *awesome*!
I love your glasses! They really look perfect on you.
After reading your blog I can tell that you are madly in love with Nicky. Muddy footprints and all.
I love the chiken picture that your Mom painted. Thats some talent!
How much for the chickens?
And I think a couple skeins of Koigu are definitely in order.
Very cool glasses! My new specs are supposed to be ready tomorrow.
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