This is my own little soapbox. Disclaimer: It is not written by someone you think you know, but by her evil twin. Absolutely nothing said here is true. Everything, including the last statement, is a complete work of fiction. This blog is completely boring, and includes entries on when I last washed my dishes, how many pairs of socks I've crocheted, and the occasional rant. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
Smoke-free apartment buildings appeal to tenants
Nearly half of Ontario's apartment dwellers say second-hand smoke seeps into their homes, and most of them would likely choose a smoke-free building if they could, says an anti-smoking group.
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Toxic chemicals behind 'new car smell': reportI never did like that stuff! And to think some places will actually spray your car to add "new car smell"! *shudder* I hate things that off-gas nasty chemicals!
A new report from a U.S. environmental group suggests the "new car smell" long beloved by the purchasers of vehicles could be a sign of harmful chemicals inside the car.
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Well, this time Robins was open, but they had sold out of Robin's Eggs. So C and I went to Timmies, since he likes their doughnuts better, and it's been a *way* long time since I've had Robins, so I don't know if I still like them. I wasn't going to get anything, but then discovered (and had to try) the triple chocolate doughnut.
This doughnut apparently qualifies as "triple" chocolate because it has chocolate filling, and two types of chocolate frosting (medium brown and dark brown). I think that may be cheating, but I was still drawn in by the name.
I was going to split it with H (C got his own), but had forgotten that H doesn't like doughnuts. However, I didn't have to go far to find someone to accept the other half. ;)
My impressions: This thing is just as sweet as a Krispy Kreme, but with a different distribution. Most of the insane sweetness was in the icing. The filling was very similar to the stuff in those storebought chocolate pudding cups. Thankfully Timmies doesn't do the "coat the entire sucker in sugar before icing" thing! However, I will *not* be having another any time soon. (It will be a long time before I'm foolish enough!)
I think I'm coming to the conclusion that I don't like Timmies doughnuts. The "original" cake timbit I had was pretty decent, but the chocolate cake timbit I had last week was, um, not worth the calories. Given the choice between Timmies and Superstore, give me Superstore!
Perhaps another day I'll be able to rate Robin's. Today's sugar quota has already been exceeded. (I'm not saying I won't have more, but I'm certainly not having another doughnut!)
Mmmmm! (Can you imagine this yarn made into the vest I just posted about?!?!)
My brother sent me a link to these photos by Seb Przd... fascinating!
If you're interested:
If it needs to be shipped, I couldn't send it framed anyway as there would be too much danger of the glass breaking. I would sell it in the mat it's in (16" x 20" outside dimensions), with foam core backing in a crystal clear envelope for $100.00 Canadian plus shipping to any Canadian or continental US destination.