Monday, March 07, 2005


Sometimes I can be really stupid. Recently I was stupid, and now I'm suffering the consequences.

After valentines day, I bought a bag of candy on clearance for 30 cents. I have a sweet tooth, but try to restrict my indulgence to when I can get said items on sale. (Which, unfortunately, is too often for my waistline.) The candies were kind of like sweettarts, but not as tart, and they had messages on them, as well as characters from some TV cartoon. These candies also happen to be rock hard.

Another detail about me... I tend to crunch my candy, rather than suck it... I guess I'm just not patient enough.

Well, the past little while I've been crunching on these rock hard valentines candies. At first it was only one or two a day. Saturday, when I was home all day, I ate quite a number of them. I kept eating them even when I noticed my jaw was starting to get sore from crunching them.

Sunday morning during breakfast (which is not at all crunchy), I noticed that my jaw was quite sore. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to resist the candies if they were in the house (because I'm stupid), I gathered up my courage and threw the rest of the bag out. (My frugal soul hurt, but my jaw hurt more.)

Today my jaw still hurts. This is my pennance for being stupid. Will I learn from this that sweets are bad? Probably not... I plan on making pudding tonight, before my leftover milk spoils. *sigh* (I thought about not making pudding any more, but I need to buy the milk anyway to make pita bread, and I hate throwing out the extra.)

At least I know it's not a cavity, or other damage to my teeth... the pain is up near my left ear. I probably just strained something, and it'll fix itself in a few days.

Unintuitively, chewing with the left side hurts less than chewing with the right side.

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