Sunday, March 27, 2005


Recently I've been pretty good about remembering to take my magnesium supplement, and my headaches went away. I remember marvelling on Thursday that I was headache free, and realizing I had been that way for a while.

Yesterday I forgot to take my vitamins.

Today I have a headache.

I'm pretty convinced now that my headaches are caused by a magnesium deficiency. (My mom dug up that potential cause after they started to be a regular problem for me.) Now... what's causing the magnesium deficiency, I wonder? I know I don't have great eating habits, but I'm wondering if any of my medications could be causing this?

I can't wait until I'm off the antibiotics for my zits. I can't take my vitamins at the same time as the antibiotics, so now I have a hard time remembering to take my vitamins. :P

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