Friday, May 26, 2006


Moving Sale Stuff
Moving Sale Stuff

K and B came over tonight to help me prepare for the moving sale tomorrow. K and B put prices on stuff, while I dug out more stuff for the sale. K brought sustenance:
I may kidnap K, and bring her up to Canada with me. Possibly B too. I wonder if I'll have room in the truck?

Well, off to bed now. Yard sales start way too darn early here. (I'm starting at 7 am, which is about an average start time.)


MrsFife said...

1. How much is the shelving for?
2. What are you doing about Albert? (the real one and yours)

noricum said...

1. At this point I can't remember.
2. I'm keeping my painting, and there isn't anything I can do about the real Albert. I saw him today as I was helping one lady carry her purchases home. He was actually on a leash attached to the apartment. I said hi to him.