Monday, February 14, 2005

Wet Sheep & The Peanut Butter Solution*

It currently smells like wet sheep in my office. Well, I assume it smells like wet sheep... there's a fairly strong odor that's similar to wet dog, but isn't. Since it's coming from my Koigu socks I just washed, I can only assume that's what wet merino sheep smell like.

I think I may have found a "solution" to washing my non-machine-washable socks... I imagine most people wouldn't need a "solution", but then most people aren't as lazy as me at hand washing clothing. I think I'm lazy for two reasons... one is that I've never particularly enjoyed hand washing anything, and the second is that I'd have to clean the sink before I can wash my socks. My bathroom sink grows this nasty mildewy stuff around the drain (which I really should clean off more often, but I don't), and my kitchen sink is usually full of dirty dishes. Cleaning the mildewy sink involves bleach, which I'm allergic to. (Ironic... I'm allergic to both the problem and the solution.) And after washing all my dishes, I don't then feel like washing my socks. :P

Well, this is my solution. Since I've heard I should use shampoo to wash wool products (it is a hair, after all), tonight after riding my exercise bike (Yay! It's been a while since I got back on... way to go me!), I put my dirty Koigu socks on my hands, and took a shower. (I left them on long enough to wash my hair, then rinsed and wrung them out.) I'm not sure how well this worked out... they seemed to stretch some on my hands, and I put the bottoms out, since I didn't really want the bottoms of my socks rubbed on my head. (I used a washing-hands motion to get the bottoms.) Of course, this is essentially the same method I used last time in the sink, so I don't see why having a shower at the same time is bad. I'll let you know how they are after they dry.

Changing subjects...

There's no room for peanut butter in my Great Secret Blog Exchange package. I moved up to a larger box, and it just barely fits everything (after watching Monsoon Wedding, I want to say it fits "exactly and approximately"... I ♥ that phrase), without adding peanut butter or Texas Pete. I thought about getting an even bigger box, but I'm kind of worried about postage as it is. I thought about sending a second small package, but what if they don't actually want peanut butter? I've come to a decision: I'll include a note saying that if they want some peanut butter too, just say the word, and I'll send a second, small package with peanut butter.

*I never did like that movie as a kid... too scary for me. I'm a wimp when it comes to scary movies. Jacob Two-Two was too scary too, although I seem to remember I was fine with the book.

1 comment:

Daph said...

Washing your socks in the shower is BRILLIANT! If I could do that with Phoebe's diaper covers you BET I would, but poopy covers near my hair isn't the same.

I agree w/you on the box and postage situation. Bryan used to send tons of crap all the time because of eBay, and lemme tell you: shipping charges can either be a) really really cheap or b) cost as much as a mortgage. Yikes!