Monday, February 28, 2005


I was talking to my advisor, and the topic of our ultimate game came up.

When we were playing, the air temperature was kind of cool out... probably somewhere around 50F. (Update: I checked, and the temperatures while we were playing started at 43F, and went up to 50F.) I found it hurt to breathe the cool air, but I didn't actually have an asthma attack, so I kept going. I thought about asking other people if they found it hurt to breathe too, but then figured that breathing cool air normally hurt, and I shouldn't be a whiner. Near the end of the game, my vision was starting to have brief blackouts... like when I stand up too fast after reading the titles of books on the bottom shelf. I wasn't sure why this was happening, but figured I'd sit out the rest of the game.

Anyway, when I was talking to my advisor today, I mentioned that breathing had hurt during the game, and he thought that was strange.

My questions to you:

1. Do you find breathing hurts while exercising in cool/cold weather?

2. Do you have asthma?

I'm trying to figure out if my problem breathing was normal, or something related to my asthma. (If I remember, I'll discuss it with my allergist the next time I'm in, but that isn't for quite a while.)

Thanks! :)


Anonymous said...

breathing can hurt in cold weather. that raspy ache in the chest every time you inhale, i've heard that is the worst. i always connected it to crack smoking, but you know, there is an exception to every rule.

pfirsch said...

First, let me just say that Yonni is silly. Second, I can't really breath if the air is cold and I'm trying to do any kind of exercise. Seeing as how I'm one of the people for a drug-free America, I know it hasn't got anything to do with smoking crack.

noricum said...

Yeah, I don't smoke crack (or anything else for that matter), so I knew it wasn't that. ;)

Anonymous said...

oh, hush, pfirsch, she knows i was joking. and i can tell you to hush because we are related, and because you should. besides, i wasn't saying andrea slung rock; i was suggesting that crack smoking can create a similar reaction. do you see the distinction?

noricum said...

Hi Yonni! I hadn't made the connection (although I figured you were joking!)... I'm bad with names, and I'm afraid my swiss cheese for brain had misplaced yours. How do you like the sweater?