Monday, February 21, 2005

Doggie Training

For some reason I was thinking about the "cleaning up" I would have to do if I got a dog... that's not one of those tasks I would look forward to. Then I wondered if it was possible to train a dog to a litter box. It turns out it *is* possible, and even better for them, because then they don't have to hold it in while you're out at work. This website explains how it's done:


Anonymous said...

Cool! :)

This is potentially useful information for me, too!

noricum said...

You know, it's funny. I told my dad my idea of getting a dog, and he said "I've always thought weiner dogs were cool"... wasn't that the kind you were thinking of? I still need to figure out what kind I want, though. ;)

KelliAmanda said...

Well, as someone who owns two small dogs and a cat, I must say that I much prefer keeping the dog poop outside of the house! It's bad enough to me to have to scoop out the kitty litter box (and I use flushable pine litter, b/c I can't tolerate the dust that regular litter produces). Plus, one of my dogs likes to "kick" after she goes "potty" and I can just imagine the litter flying everywhere. Ha.