Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Ugh. I've been having a horrible time getting up these past few days. I slept late again today, took forever getting in to school, and now desperately need a nap. I've got a headache too, even though I've been taking my magnesium supplements. I wonder if this is withdrawal from cutting down on Prozac? I don't think the tiredness is allergies, because the goggles and mask have been keeping those at bay. I have been going to bed somewhat later the past few nights, but even when I do go to bed, I feel twitchy and alert. Also, I the days have been warm, and the nights have been cool, so I've turned off the heat/ac... which means it's around 72 in the house when I go to bed, and 60-65 when I get up. I sleep much better at 60-65 than I do at 72, so maybe that's it.

Whatever it is, I'm rambling, and I think I'll go have a nap. Then I'll try to get work done. I don't think I'll accomplish much if I try to work in the state I'm in now. :P

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