Monday, April 25, 2005


This is just some ranty random post. Completely boring.

Yellow stuff indicates I've got a cold or sinus infection or something. :P I guess this means the dirty cough in my lungs mean infection of some sort too, and I should take my asthma meds. Blech. I hate that. But, if it'll make my lungs feel clean, that'll be nice. I didn't before, because I figured theres nothing the meds could do about the pollen.

I hate being "somewhat sick". If I'm sick, I want to be able to stay home in bed and recouperate. However, if I'm mostly feeling fine, I can't justify it. So instead I go in to work and try to do my normal stuff while not feeling quite up to normal. Rant, rant, rant, blah, blah, blah. I feel like ranting, but not I'm not really feeling up to ranting at the same time. Cough, hack, sneeze. Blech.

To top it off, I'm planning on staying late to enter my taxes. :P Plus, I wanted to start mopping the house tonight.

I hope your Monday is nicer than mine.


hi, i'm natalie said...

Just wanted to send some "get better soon" wishes your way! Allergies suck... Mine aren't near as bad as yours but are in full swing today - blech!

hope your day improves!

noricum said...

Thanks. I hope your allergies feel better soon too!