Thursday, April 28, 2005


My allergies produce rather interesting comments. I was sitting here sniffling and snuffling and sneezing... until I couldn't stand it any more. So I shoved kleenex up both nostrils. I have to breathe through my mouth, but it stops the annoying allergy stuff. (Not that I could breathe through my nose right now anyway.) However, my desk faces the door to my office, and I'm right by the foosball room. (A popular destination.) Whee.

AL-F: You have something in your nose.
BD: I feel sorry for you.
JS: You look different every time I come by.
YL: Is there something wrong with your nose?

Perhaps I should close the door...


Daph said...

LMAO! That mental image gave me a much-needed laugh. Thanks for that!! :)

noricum said...

Welcome. ;)

~drew emborsky~ said...

Wow, needed that giggle. Thanks!!