Monday, June 12, 2006

Tender Tootsies

H and I went out for a long walk today, along Chancelor Matheson Drive, to Superstore. I think I picked up some sand in my sandals, because shortly after the walk I noticed my feet were feeling really tender, and perhaps a bit blistered. Tomorrow the marathon club is running from the school to the Dairy Queen, and the trip is long enough that we'll actually have to run the whole way. I'm going to do my best to keep up... not for the DQ treat, but for the exercise. At least I'm a "grown-up," so I can be left behind if necessary. I'll be wearing my sneakers tomorrow, so hopefully my feet will behave better.

Anyway, our trip to Superstore was successful: we found chocolate covered cranberries! ;) No, we weren't out, but we wanted to verify that they had some, so that H didn't have to go to the evil Wally World of the Tortuous Parking Lots. (Are there any Walmarts anywhere that don't have horribly designed parking lots? I have yet to find one where it's easy to get back out.)

When I got home I was exhausted, so I had a nap. Now that I'm up, I should go scrounge some dinner. ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All WMs have poorly designed parking lots.
I think it was written in Sam Walton's will or something...