Thursday, June 08, 2006

Nap Attack

I meant to be productive today. H's kid is sick, so she stayed home, and I stayed home. (It's not the same when she's not there, and I have unpacking to do anyway.) My plans for today included:
1. Ram Wools clearance sale
2. Unpacking
3. Finish off trip blogging
4. Catch up on bloglines reading

I managed to stave off a nap long enough to get to and from Ram Wools. (I'd tell you what I bought, but another nap attack is coming on.) Then I napped. Can't everyone stop posting for a little bit while I get caught up? Sheesh!

Well, I did get some clothing into drawers last night:
Sock Drawer
What? Doesn't everyone start with the sock drawer?

This morning I also pulled out stuff from a bunch of the other drawers so I could put stuff in. I now have a bunch of clothing in drawers, but also a bunch of stuff on my bed that was formerly in drawers.

So this next nap will also be on the couch.

I'll try to make headway on #2-4 later...


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