Monday, December 18, 2006

Gingerbread House Construction

Remember this?
Well, yesterday afternoon I got around to assembly... here's the steps.

Using lots of chocolate, glue the walls together and to the base:
Gingerbread House
Use string to hold them while the melted chocolate cools and hardens. Note: if you break one of the pieces like I did, repair it using more cookies and chocolate.

Using lots and lots of chocolate, an extra pair of hands (my dad came over and helped), and plenty of curses and props, assemble the roof:
Gingerbread House
Don't tell anyone about the curses. Again, when you break one of the pieces, use more cookies and chocolate to repair it.

Note on chocolate use: no one ever complains about there being too much, so be *liberal*.

Finally, using even more chocolate (which, by this time, has cooled enough that it's practically instant-set), add the roof to the walls:
Gingerbread House

Decorate the "finished" house. As you can tell, I went with a "house under construction" theme this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
