Tuesday, September 05, 2006


For some reason my body is unhappy today... my left knee complains with a sharp pain going up or down stairs, and there's a vertebra or two in my upper middle back that are having some sharp words with me too.

I don't think it was the bike ride... it's not that sort of sore. Although maybe I tired the muscles out enough that they're not doing their jobs properly. (My muscle aches usually start up the second day after... bizarre delayed reaction.)

I suppose another possibility is that my dinner last night (yum!) may have contained sunflower oil (the artichoke hearts had an "and/or" ingredient). Usually sunflower oil just gives me an itchy mouth, but I've been avoiding it for so long that my reaction may have changed without me knowing it. I don't know if I had an itchy mouth last night... the yummy pasta J made for us had two habanero-stuffed green olives added to it... yummy but *spicy*!

Mmmm, those olives are *good*. Crazy hot, but good. They're "only eat one at a time, then try to extinguish your mouth" good. :)

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