Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Grumpy Security

Ugh... the security lady was grumpy this morning. It's my third day coming in to Poly (other days I worked from home), but the first day coming in separately from J.

When I came in the building, I show a photo ID, and then go to fill out the visitor log.

Grumpy Security Lady: "What's that?" (Pointing at my photo ID.)
Me: "It's my Manitoba driver's licence. I thought we needed photo ID?"
GSL: "This isn't a public library. You need a valid student card to enter here."
Me: "I'm a visitor. I'm visiting JI. I'm supposed to be getting a visitor pass, but B wasn't in on Monday when I was here."
GSL: "B who?"
M: "I don't know, the secretary/whatever lady."
GSL: "You can only get a visitor pass if you're coming in with faculty."
Me: "Not that kind of pass... I want that kind today because I haven't gotten the real pass yet. The first day I was here it was the first day of class, and B was really busy. Then, on Monday, B wasn't here. I just need a day pass until I get my regular pass."
GSL: "B who? BS?"
Me: "I *don't* know."
GSL: "Let's call BS."
Me: "Call JI, he's the one I'm visiting."
GSL: "JI?" (Badly mispronouncing J's last name.)
Me: "J*I*, he's *faculty* here."
GSL: dials, on phone: "Hello, professor I? ... Yes, she is. I'll send her in."
GSL: "He knows you"
Me (thinking): Well, of course!
GSL: "I'll give you a day pass, but you need to get a real pass."
Me (thinking): I've been *trying* to *explain* that *that* *IS* what I'm trying to do with B, but *I* didn't want to be a pain in the butt to B! *I* know they're busy at this time of the semester!
Me: "Thanks."
GSL: "You only need to sign in once, and then show this card whenever you enter this building or the other building."
Me (thinking): Odd... that contradicts what the other grumpy security lady said the other day in the other building.
Me: "Thanks."

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