Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Return to normal

Well, I'm back to the same old grind now, but hopefully it won't be so grinding. My plan is to get up earlier than I had been previously, work strong all day, and then go home and enjoy myself at 5. This plan starts tomorrow... since I was wiped out from my "vacation" and grant meetings, I let myself sleep in this morning. I've also caught up on my blog reading. (Most last night, and a few this morning.) Well, I haven't read the "news" category, but I'll use those for periodic breaks until I'm caught up. If nothing else, I've had the necessary "mental down time" to process being back. I need to give my brain down time occasionally, or it gets really wiped out.

My plan:

(a) Get up at 6:40, ride exersize bike for 20-30 minutes, catch bus by 8, arrive at school a few minutes later.

(b) Spend first hour or two skimming a paper from the stack I need to read, jot notes on contents, and mark as "read in-depth" or "skim sufficient". I need summaries for my proposal, which I need to get done *soon*, but I think I can leave some of the in-depth reading until after the proposal. (I've been letting myself get bogged down by the in-depth reading.)

(c) Lunch with Kelli... human contact is good.

(d) Once term starts, go to gym at 5, then home after gym. (Must first consult to find out a good exercise plan.)

(e) Go to bed by 10pm. (Having already made lunch and set out clothes for next day.)

Time at school that I haven't scheduled is for making progress on my dissertation research, group meetings, and whatever else. I just want to make sure I'm not neglecting my proposal.

Another CAPS appointment today.

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