Thursday, December 08, 2005

Eyelet Cardi

Last night and tonight I worked some more on my eyelet cardi. Here's the yoke:
Eyelet Cardigan
and here it is after I joined at the armpits and started working on the body:
Eyelet Cardigan
I put a bit of paper behind some of the eyelets so they'd be easier to see. I like how this is turning out so far, and I think the short row shaping at the shoulders is really going to work well. (I hadn't been planning any, but then I read the sleeve article at and since this is supposed to be a bit fitted...)

I haven't decided yet if I want to do some waist shaping.

This is inspired by an eyelet cardi I saw Zeneedle knitting last spring sometime. Zeneedle's cardigan is designed by ChicKnits.

1 comment:

pfirsch said...

I tried the same idea after the Sitcom Chic cardigan came out, but couldn't get the yoke to work out right; so, it was ripped and purposed for something else. The short rows look like they might do the trick. Good luck and I can't wait to see your progress.