Saturday, October 15, 2005

Nice Saturday

Oops... it's past my bedtime again. And I still need to make my bed, too. (Laundry day today.)

I had a nice day today. B and I went to the farmer's market, followed by Yarns, Etc. Then B drove me to the mall so I could drop off my mixed paper recycling, and she could get her knives sharpened. I also stopped in at A Southern Season to buy some nice quality chocolate on sale. Yum!

Today's sale was on some really nice single-source Colombian chocolate. It's "Jet Santander", and is *very* nice. I had previously bought a sampling to share with H, one bar each of 53%, 65%, and 70% cocoa dark chocolate. I decided then that I preferred the 53% semi-dark chocolate. It's very smooth, and has a wonderful flavour. It's also not as bitter as other dark chocolate, yet has a rich chocolate flavour. I highly recommend it. I bought three bars... two for the freezer, and one for comsumption this week. Or should I say this weekend? I'm almost finished. (Even though a single square is enough to satisfy a chocolate craving, I kept indulging. Oops. Yum!)

Seaming on Weasley is going slowly. Both sleeves are attached, and also seamed from cuff to armpit. Now I just have the side seams to do. I liked doing the sleeve underarm seams better than the shoulder-to-body seams... it's much nicer when I can match stitch to stitch. I'm getting a very nice seam, but I wish it went faster. Seaming is definitely not my favourite part of knitting. This fuzzy, tweedy yarn is also making it difficult for me to see individual stitches, and thus make it harder on my anal-retentive, obsessive-compulsive self. Oh well... I'm almost done. Hopefully I'll finish tomorrow.

Although tomorrow I should bake pita bread (not quite enough for next week), go grocery shopping, and also do some research reading in preparation for my meeting with Jack on Monday. I had intended to do some reading today, but didn't.

Today I watched two movies from my apartment complex while seaming: "Wimbledon", and "Million Dollar Baby". Wimbledon was a rather mindless chick-flick, but okay. (It wasn't as much of a tear-jerker as I usually find chick-flicks to be... is this a sign that my antidepressants are working well? Possibly. I've been feeling pretty good too.) Million Dollar Baby was sad. Good, but sad. I should have watched it first, so I'd have the chick-flick to cheer me up afterwards. I'm not weepy (like I might be when my depression is worse), but I would have preferred to finish on a higher note. Maybe I'll read a chapter before going to bed (after I make my bed). Yep, another late night.

Well, S isn't coming over tomorrow, so I'll have more time for chores. And seaming.

Oh... current state of the crayon blanket: the last two crayons, green and purple, are both at the point where I start the oval. The oval's a bit of a nuisance to knit, because I have to keep changing yarns, and flipping the yarn bag over to keep the three balls detangled. (A flip at the end of each row.)

Well, good night!

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