This is my own little soapbox. Disclaimer: It is not written by someone you think you know, but by her evil twin. Absolutely nothing said here is true. Everything, including the last statement, is a complete work of fiction. This blog is completely boring, and includes entries on when I last washed my dishes, how many pairs of socks I've crocheted, and the occasional rant. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Soggy & Crispy
Here are a few more photos of Soggy and Crispy.
Crispy typing up recon reports:
While Soggy keeps an eye out for trouble:
In their off time, Crispy and Soggy enjoy chatting with the local ladies: (Soggy is quite the ladies man, and Crispy has his charming moments too.)
LOL Looks like they're in good hands.
The VLA sent me.
You write a good blog my dear!
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