Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Verdict (TMI)

Well, I'm back from the doc.

For the tongue: stop taking aspirin immediately (which I had been taking for joint pain), take full doses of my antihistamine and decongestant, and are my hands swollen? Um, no. Well, I got a long name for it which basically translates to "allergy," and I have stuff to try, but we don't know the cause, or if what I'm doing will solve the problem. I think I'll google "aspirin swollen tongue hands" to see what my doc thinks it might be.

I got new epipens, since my "in date" one expired in December... with a swollen tongue, I want to be on the safe side. I got the two-pack with the fun "toy" epipen that's for practice. After I got back, I showed K and M how it works, and then later I showed J... J said he wasn't sure how I was feeling... good, or sarcastic. I told him that the prozac was working, but that I was peeved with my current set of health problems. So both, I guess.

For the faint kidney-stone-like pain I got to pee in a bottle. No sign of kidney stones (but, of course, it's not hurting today, so that may not say anything), but I apparently do have a bit of a bladder infection. I thought I might, given that my urine has been cloudy lately... but I wasn't concerned about that, since kidney stones cause bladder infections, and since I don't have a solution to my kidney stones, taking something for the bladder infection is pointless. (It's not causing me any other problems that I've noticed.) He's going to culture my urine to see what bacteria it is, but basically he said to come in on a day when it's actually hurting. He might be able to give me a better answer then.

The joint pain *isn't* the disfiguring type of arthritis (I knew that) that shows up on bloodwork (I didn't know that only one shows up on bloodwork). He checked my past blood tests... they were pretty comprehensive, since we were trying to make sure that my other problems were actually depression, and I've had this pain for years. However, when I go in next week (follow-up on everything from this visit), I'm to get weight-bearing x-rays of my knees and hips to see if anything interesting shows up there.

And while I was in anyway, I got more refills on my Prozac. Wheeee. (I have enough for this month, but I figured I'd save an appointment.)

Well, that's where I am. Still pretty much clueless as normal, but with some stuff to try. I sure hope the tongue swelling goes down to make up for the fact I can't take painkillers for my joint pain.

You know, there are people who basically never need to go to the doctor. I find that amazing. I wish I could be like that.

Sorry about all the run-on sentences... but I don't feel like fixing that when I should really be getting back to work. :) (But I think I'll start with a quick google on the tongue first.)


Anonymous said...

Eek. Well I'm glad it sounds like it was a -productive- visit to the doc.

I had a dr appt yesterday and thought about how lucky I am that I don't have to go very often. Turns out that I probably have asthma and/or a bacterial infection brought on by prolonged exposure to allergens (read: the mold we just discovered in the house).

I hope your tongue swelling goes down and I am glad you got an updated, unexpired epipen! I worry when the tongue swells!

noricum said...

Argh, bummer about the asthma/allergies. I hope you get that mold taken care of... nasty stuff!

Anonymous said...

This appointment did not bring the resolutions I'd hoped for you. My more recent experience with doctors (for my parents and son) makes that seem normal, unfortunately. Hope that the suggestions help!


Vera said...

Wow, I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Yay, someone who knows how to formulate a proper Google search!

Not that I expected you wouldn't; I just saw some really terrible ones today. I had a student come to the reference desk asking me for help with the library catalog. Her assignment was to find out how many books the library had by a particular author. She'd gone to a keyword search of the catalog, and typed in "how many books does the UHD library have by Alice Walker?" Since an 'and' search for that got no results, the catalog defaults to an 'or' search (I know, not the most brilliant operation, but that's what our catalog does, and our catalog vendor currently tells us there's no way to change it), and she had 32,000 results.

In sum, I'm surprised at the number of people who don't know how to use a keyword search.

noricum said...

Yeah, my dad asks me to do searches for him. :P