Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I'm annoyed... I'm chewing on my cheeks this morning. I think there must be something in Ghirardelli chocolate chips that I'm allergic to. I had thought it was my allergy to chocolate, but my cheeks don't swell up like this with the other forms of chocolate I've been eating. I need to make some pudding or jello so that I stop snacking on the chocolate chips in the freezer. :P

I woke up in the middle of the night last night *starving*. I was so hungry I felt sick. I ate two handfuls of cheerios and then some string cheese. That made me feel better so that I could get back to sleep. I think that was also a symptom of not having much in the way of snack food in the house. This doesn't really bode well for my goal to lose some weight after I move home.

Other than that (and staying up way too late) I slept fairly well last night. :)

For knitting (crocheting) mojo, I'm nearly done the toe on Bethany's sock. :)


Anonymous said...

Being allergic to a good brand chocolate really sucks.

I get the "starving-in-the-middle-of-the-night" feeling when I've been sick and my appetite has been off. A calorie crash in the middle of the night is disruptive. Glad you managed to get some sleep!

Anonymous said...

Oops! Forgot to sign my comment. Sorry.


noricum said...

I'm glad you sent the second one, because the e-mail for the first one seems to have gotten lost!

Well, at least I'll be going back to Canada where I'll have a better chocolate selection. ;)

Marvie said...

Andrea, I just read somewhere (and can't recall where, sorry or I'd link) that sleep aids can cause those middle of the night eating binges... might be something to ask about?

noricum said...

Hmmm... it's arrived now. I guess that e-mail took a tour around the ether. ;)

Marvie: I've heard about people sleep-eating on Ambien, but I wasn't taking it that night. I think it's more to do with the fact I ate less than usual the night before. Thanks, though. Have a great trip!