Sunday, May 14, 2006


Tempe bathrooms don't get all steamy from a shower the way Chapel Hill bathrooms do. The air does get somewhat moister though. Tempe bathrooms also don't have mildew problems.

As I was drying off, I noticed my towel felt like it had been heated, when it hadn't been. I then realized that it's probably because where I was holding the towel didn't have water evaporating like on the rest of me.

After keeping my milk substitute in a bucket of ice all night, I discovered a fridge stashed in the sink vanity. Tempe apparently does have a bit of humidity: there was some frost on the freezer portion. Not a huge amount, but not a negligible amount either.

The birds that sing before dawn in Tempe sound different than those that sing before dawn in Chapel Hill. My thought (as I was trying to sleep) was that they sounded tropical... but there's not nearly enough water for them to be tropical. ;)

As I was looking out of my window this morning, I saw a cat in the courtyard. I wonder if it's a hotel cat, a stray, or belongs to someone in the neighbourhood?

Hearing birds squawking from beyond the door to my room was shocking... until I remembered that the "halls" are open to the outside.

Time for breakfast (moisture!), and then to studying the slides.

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