Sunday, May 14, 2006


View From My Hotel Room

Tempe is DRY. (I'm good at stating the obvious.) I brought moisturizer, eye drops, and chap-stick. They help a bit, but not nearly enough. I keep thinking about "Most Moisturized Mom" on the Mason-Dixon Knitting blog, and wishing I was "most moisturized."

I wish I hadn't lost my water bottle. The hotel has helpfully provided two bottles of water (they look to be about one litre bottles), but will charge me $3 each if I open them. I think I'll see if I can snag a small bottle at one of the coffee breaks, and just keep refilling it. M said I could take a couple from the BBQ last night, but I forgot to grab one before I left.

My throat is dry. So are my eyes. Giving J's talk today is going to be *fun*. (Must snag water before then.)

Hotel pet peeve: using flat sheets instead of fitted, and then not even tucking them in properly. (What? You want them tucked in at the bottom too?) I hate sheets that come loose in the night. However, it seems that every hotel I stay in does this. I'm trying to decide whether they'll leave them tucked the way I want them if I make the bed before they do. (I was too tired to re-tuck them properly last night, and thus spent most of the night with crumpled sheets. Did I mention I hate crumpled sheets?)

I can't tell if my eyes are merely dry, or if they're also itching from the inevitable dust in the pillows. Things I forgot to pack: dust cover for my pillow, alarm clock.

Well, I should have my shower, eat breakfast, and go over J's slides in detail. And then make some of my own. Oh... and track down where the other person giving this talk is rooming. (I think I'll start by e-mailing her my room number, and then having my shower. She was up quite late, so I'm not sure how late she'll be sleeping in.)


Deneen said...

They have to use flat sheets, the rubber part of the fitted sheets couldn't take the hot water/bleaching that the otels do to their sheets.

Have fun!

noricum said...

I must admit I don't bleach my sheets, but I do wash them in hot water. Or, at least, as close as my washing machine gets to hot. :P