Crispy typing up recon reports:

While Soggy keeps an eye out for trouble:

In their off time, Crispy and Soggy enjoy chatting with the local ladies:

(Soggy is quite the ladies man, and Crispy has his charming moments too.)
This is my own little soapbox. Disclaimer: It is not written by someone you think you know, but by her evil twin. Absolutely nothing said here is true. Everything, including the last statement, is a complete work of fiction. This blog is completely boring, and includes entries on when I last washed my dishes, how many pairs of socks I've crocheted, and the occasional rant. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
Yay! I got my *awesome* reveal package yesterday! Look at all the yummy yarn! The cascade 220 is raspberry red (yum!), and the glitterspun is the exact colour of Dorothy's ruby slippers! (I *must* make a pair of ruby slippers for my christmas tree!) The blue yarn is *very* yummy! It's three yarns wound together, and will make a gorgeous scarf! I love the little mirror thingies, and there is a story behind the bacon band-aids. ;)
I was lucky enough to have the amazing Regina as my secret sister! Since I said I enjoy BLTs, she sent me the bacon brothers, Soggy and Crispy, honourary members of her Vegetable Liberation Army (VLA):
The bacon band-aids are cammo band-aids in case Soggy or Crispy get injured on one of their missions. Since I may now reveal my sister, I can show these two as well. (They came in the first package.) They have been sending back recon reports. Since they are no longer under-cover, I will post the reports here on my blog. (Regina plans to post them too.)
This is how far I got on Weasley's sleeves as of last night. (I'm only showing one here... the other is off to the side.)
Weasley is still a joy to knit. :)
Stockinette is very relaxing. Yes, even meditative. I like the rhythm of the knit stitches, and my purls are getting almost as good.
Way back, when I first learned to knit, I thought stockinette was boring, but the real problem was that all I knew how to knit was scarves, and I was young enough to be knitting for the product. It wasn't the stockinette that was boring, it was the scarves.
I've recently relearned how to knit, and I'm using Weasley to do so. I expected the vast quantities of stockinette to be boring. However, I really enjoyed doing the back, and when I got to the letter on the front, I realized just how much I liked plain stockinette. I'm now glad to have returned to the plain sleeves, although the occasional increase tries to trick me.
I'm also learning how to knit lace right now. I find doing a single repeat a struggle, and have to really concentrate. I'm exhausted after the one repeat, but I can knit stockinette for hours. Lace is work. Stockinette is relaxation.
Stockinette is comfortable to wear, with no lumpy bumps. It's not busy, so allows a lovely yarn to be displayed.
Stockinette is all about the process. But the product is wonderful too.
Here's my finished slippers. I may add some decoration later, but I count them as finished when they become functional. ;)
It turns out I'm not so insane after all. Here they are on my feet:
I forgot to take a photo with my feet beside the slippers. They're bigger than my feet, but still comfortable, and they seem to stay on. Nothing wrong with a bit big... then there's room for snuggly socks. ;)
You know, I think I'm going to rip these out tonight.
I had measured the cuffs of a sweater I like, and those cuffs worked out to 54 stitches at the given gauge. As the pattern is written, the largest kid-sized Weasley starts out with 50 stitch cuffs in a smaller needle, then increases to 60 right after the cuff.
I wasn't sure how much the smaller needle was going to affect the gauge, and since the sweater I like has quite loose cuffs, I figured it would be fine.
When I tried the cuffs on last night, they were snug but not tight. I'm more of a "loose cuff" person, but I figured these would be okay.
However, I was thinking just now... I really like pushing my cuffs up to near my elbows, and snug cuffs would probably be too tight for that.
Maybe I'll put one on scrap yarn to see what it will be like. I really didn't like doing the first row after the cast on, so I'd rather not do it again unless necessary. However, it's better to rip now, than after I've finished the sleeves.
Sunday's knitting lesson included a little ribbing. 2x2 ribbing, that is.
I also learned an increase. In the last row of ribbing I needed to increase from 50 stitches to 60. I decided to try the M1 increase.
For later increases on the sleeves, I think I'll try the bar increase. But that's for another day.
Round and round she goes,
Where she stops, nobody knows.
Except me. And anyone else who decides to get really close to look for the end. But right now, just me.
Just two sleeves, a couple of seams, and I'll have my first knit sweater!
PS: Note how few zits I have right now!
I have been visited by boxes. A friend of mine has had to leave the country. She's trying to get into a nursing program at a different university (this department wasn't a good fit for her). I'll either be sending these boxes to her new location, or back to Taiwan.
I guess I don't need to sweep that corner.
Hmmm... unless I decide to move them so Paulina has a place to sit and eat when she's visiting. Maybe I'll clean their "final resting place", move them, and then clean where they are now.
Plans for this weekend: cleaning.
...because there's been fire trucks outside the chemistry building *twice* this week as I was headed home.
Flickr is having a massage.You know, I think I could do with a massage and some emergency maintenance too.
Flickr is closed for emergency maintenance - sorry about that.
This is my latest afghan square. (I bet P likes this one too. ;) )
This little fellow made me think of two memories...
The first is walking along Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island. There were all sorts of itty bitty crabs about the size of pocket change, and if you stood by them, they would raise there little big claw in challenge. There were *tons* of them on the beach, and they were *sooo* cute! All different colours. Hmmm... must dig up a photo... here we are:
The second memory was of my visit to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. There's a chain of "crab shacks" there called Dirty Dick's, and their main marketing slogan is "I got my crabs at Dirty Dick's." (I'm not sure if people go there more for the food or the t-shirts...) Now, I got the double meaning of "crabs" right away, but it took me a day or two to figure out that "Dirty Dick's" also had a double meaning. :P Yes, I can be slow.
Well, I'll be sleeping with this little crab (eventually), but hopefully I won't have to worry about any Dirty Dicks. ;)
I came home to fun mail today! (It totally makes up for the eye-tic and headache.) Guess what it was?
The sockapal2za socks from my secret pal Barbara! My feet are very happy. :)
These socks came all the way from Alaska! Cool... I'll have to take them back some day... I'd love to see Alaska. :)
Thanks Barbara! I love my socks!!! :) (They're wild and crazy, just like me. ;) )
I started the fulling process yesterday. The above photo shows them after one trip through the wash... not much fulling yet.
Also, I figured out what to do with all those old, plain white, sweat socks I have kicking around... I made a foot model. (One sock, layered with duct tape and then cut off, stuffed with other socks.)
Here's how I bundled the slippers for the second through fourth washings:
The "foot" is in the slipper to help it full to the correct shape, and also to provide extra agitation, and the net bag holds the foot in the slipper. I then put the slipper in a zippered pillow case to keep my washer from getting clogged with wool fuzz.
Here's the slippers after four washings:
They still need quite a bit of fulling. They've fulled well in places, and not so well in other places. I think I might finish the fulling by hand... once I convince myself that standing over a hot sink is something I *want* to do. ;)
Speaking of which, the divine Ms Dee has been washing my dishes beautifully... I'm so happy I hired her. Here she is, basking in the afternoon sun:
Another square. This one isn't too exciting... except that it doubles as a swatch for a cardigan I have planned. (The cardigan uses stash yarn.) I'm glad I swatched... the sc comes out at a different gauge than the hdc, so I'm going to have to do some increases after the line of X's you can't really see here.
The cardigan will be raglan, top down. I plan to start with the hdc, do the row of X's while still in the yoke section, and then switch to hdc.
I'm basing the cardigan loosely on a knit one I saw at Zeneedle's blog a while back. ...Aha, there it is. It's called "eyelet cardi".
There is a slight problem with my current sock project... after winding the ball of Knit Picks Colour Your Own sock yarn, it didn't want to go in my sock project bag.
So I started the sock, to try making the ball smaller:
The ball is still a tight fit, so I'll need to keep taking it out for a bit while working on the sock.
I'm loving these butterflies... Jess, what do you think so far?
Yellow crayon doesn't yet. I've been kind of slacking... on both this, Weasley, and the qiviut scarf. However, I have made progress on my wool afghan.
I guess there's only so much I can do.
You know, every time I start typing "qiviut", I think "cool, a q word for Scrabble that doesn't need a u," and then I get to the u. I still think I'll try to use it next time I play.
Today S, K, and I went for a walk in the NC Botanical Gardens. The gardens currently have a "sculpture in the gardends" event going on.
This was my favourite:
Kitty was pretty cool too:
Have you ever noticed that at a certain stage, lotus seed pods look rather like shower heads?
Mr Frog knew how to stay cool:
(It was hot and icky out today!)
I love the colour of these socks, and the way the green made a spiral. I tried them on briefly, and I think they'll be really comforatble. It would have been nice had they been somewhat longer, but that's how far the yarn went.
The yarn is lovely, but has the occasional slub. Most of them I ignored, but there was a big, 4" one that I had to cut out. I don't know if I got a bad skein, or if this is standard for Fleece Artist.