tinned balls
Very cool looking!
This is my own little soapbox. Disclaimer: It is not written by someone you think you know, but by her evil twin. Absolutely nothing said here is true. Everything, including the last statement, is a complete work of fiction. This blog is completely boring, and includes entries on when I last washed my dishes, how many pairs of socks I've crocheted, and the occasional rant. These are not the droids you're looking for. Move along.
I love the punches of bold colour framed by the white-by-white borders. :)
E is for Earth, my favourite planet. Let's not mess it up, okay?
I did F last time, since I couldn't think of a good photo for the E I wanted. I ended up just going through my past photos. This is the "climbing tree" near my family's cabin that my grandpa cut and debarked branches a long time ago so that you could climb up higher for a better view.
Posting this E today seems extra nice, since Earth Hour was today. (Not that I remembered until after Earth Hour was over... and well before it started. *sigh*)
I learned something new today:
• It's the Iranian New Year.
• Some of the traditional items on the table include: a dish of sprouted wheat (or other grains I can't remember), a bowl of goldfish, vinegar, and painted eggs. There were a bunch of other traditional things, but I can't remember them all.
The Manitoban (student newspaper) has an article on Norouz.
Tonight: Shadows on the peach field, and I painted the foreground olive, just so that it wasn't black. (It had reached the "intimidating blank canvas" status, so I needed to do something.) There will either be a rose hedge in the foreground, or something else. I may just bring the lavender rows all the way forward, and eliminate the foreground field. At any rate, I'm playing.
This photo in an online-friend's photostream reminded me of someone from my past. I thought about e-mailing, saying hi, asking if it had been long enough that we can be friends again. But then the memories started flooding in, and the tears started pouring out. I guess it hasn't been long enough yet. I'd probably end up saying something stupid again, beginning the long silence anew.
I had planned on being productive tonight, but I think I'll curl up in a blanket and read instead. I need to escape my memories.
Don't worry, I'm okay. It's just that the mourning I thought was over, isn't. It will be, though, given enough time. One day the grief will have run it's course.
My Christmas cactus *loves* this apartment! Back at the beginning of March it was absolutely *covered* with flowers.
Now that I'm blogging about it, they're all gone, of course. ;) They'll be back, though.
This is my grandmother's cutting board. Dad brought it back after she passed away. There's a deep dip in the top (and a less deep dip in the bottom) from where she cut all the time, and some brass strips on the ends to repair the crack. Dad doesn't know if there's a story to it (beyond the fact that it was hers), but we both suspect that grandpa made it for her. I would guess it's oak, and I think there is a wax finish on it, given how it looked when wet. The small hole in the upper right hand corner is about the size of a nail hole. I don't know if there was originally a strap or string or perhaps a loop of wire there, or if it was hung directly on a nail... or even if the hole was there from before the wood was a cutting board.
I wish I knew more of it's history, but it's kind of neat having my grandmother's cutting board. You can tell it was with her a long time.
The banana muffins were finally baked late on March 10th. (Technically March 11th.)
• I think my oven runs hot.
• I don't know for sure because I apparently didn't bring my oven thermometer back with me.
• I have yet to find my kitchen timer (the microwave works... as long as I don't also need to microwave something).
• My recipe makes two dozen muffins.
• I only had one muffin tin (remedied last Tuesday).
• I should bake *earlier* in the evening.
• I finished eating all of these before I managed to blog about them
• They were tasty!
• I have yet to discover just how dead bananas have to be before they are no longer usable for banana muffins.
Update on my painting. I didn't paint last week because knitting night was on Tuesday... so this was last worked on on March 11.
I'm getting closer to finishing this thing...
I noticed that when the instructor put on the sketch lines, she put all the horizons on crooked. :P It's staying that way now. If anyone asks, I'll say the land is sloping that way. ;)
Last week Wednesday, H and I were on a chocolate run (both of us were sleep deprived, and I was having an "I've been asked to teach a third year course" freak-out) when we discovered the university pottery club was having another sale of items in the student union.
"Ooooo! Pretty!" I said.
"I'll buy it for you." H said.
I was going to buy it myself, but H paid for it. H is *sweet*! She bought herself a pretty bowl for her soup, too, but I don't have a photo of it.
Then we found chocolate. Mmmm!
Thank you again, H!!! I love it. :) It's *pretty*. I used it on Thursday... it works great. :)