Friday, April 14, 2006

Yet Another Post

Today was nice and relaxing, but a bit lonely. It would have been nice to have some human contact. I would have gone out looking for some... had it not been for the high pollen levels. :P

Normally I have friends that come over on Sunday, but this weekend one is out of town, and the other has parents visiting. The one with parents visiting said she might include me in something, but was uncertain what.

I will get a bit of human contact when I go grocery shopping, but that's probably it for this weekend. Is there anyone nearby that wants to visit me?


sara said...

ugh. you could have come over to my housefull of teens.

Anonymous said...

I'd volunteer to say hi (since I haven't run into you since I used to go to SNB ages ago), but am out of town this weekend. Take care!

noricum said...

Hi Katie! I'm friends with Kelli in your choir. :) If you want to get together some other time, let me know!