Sunday, April 09, 2006

Pollen Wars

Me: inside, showered, at the moment suffering from few allergy symptoms.
Groceries: need restocking.
Grocery store: at the other end of a five minute walk... allergen exposure will result in hours of misery.


Deneen said...

Damn tree pollen is high again. I know it's bad cause Mike and I both woke up with allergy headaches and Elena is sneezing like crazy and her cough sounds like a seal barking.

I don't have any solutions because so far, nothing I have done here works.

Anonymous said...

Tree pollen is high here too (CA). Have you ever considered grocery store delivery service? It's not great for the long run but during allergy season it could work. :)

Lucy said...

Don't ya just love Spring!!!!

noricum said...

Hmmm... delivery service... I wonder if my store does that?

I beat the pollen today... as soon as I got back, I took a shower and put on clean clothes. I'm feeling pretty decent for this time of year. :)