Saturday, April 01, 2006


Besides feeding squirrels, I actually got stuff done around here today. (Partly because tomorrow is the Renn Faire with B and S... dang! I just remembered I was suposed to go to the ATM before then! *That* didn't get done. :P )

What did I do?

I cut my hair. (Unfortunately, I forgot to plug in the clippers last night, but I think everything was mostly one length before it died. I'll do a touch-up tomorrow.)

I did laundry.

I baked pita bread.

I rounded up the worst of the dust bunnies:
Dust Bunny Round-Up
I think I need to swiffer more often. If I get time tomorrow, I'll try to do a more thorough job, and get out the wetjet too.

I chloroxed the tub. Why is it that whenever I do that, I inevitably get bleach on the bathmat?
Bleach on the Bathmat
Luckily I noticed and rinsed that spot before it got too bad.

I also chloroxed the bathroom sink. (No casualties there.)

I baked the rest of the cookie dough that's been in the fridge since earlier this week. (I, uh, polished off a large number of those cookies too... the danger of baking cookies.)

I took the clean dishes out of the dishwasher, and put the dirty ones in. (Must put a few more in and turn it on tonight.)

I finished reading Wednesday's newspaper, before the next one comes tomorrow. (However, I have several months worth of Sunday "real estate" sections to finish... I enjoy the handiman and home improvement articles, but they place them such that I have to refold the paper in order to see them while eating breakfast. I got behind over Christmas, when I came back to a whole stack.)

I put a fresh filter in my Brita pitcher. It's my last filter, and will last exactly until I leave. Pretty good timing, huh? (I didn't do so well with the furnace filter, but I'll probably just use it a bit longer than I'm supposed to. I invariably do anyway, and I hate shelling out the $15 for the fancy allergen filters. However, they do help.)

I made my bed. (Had to... I wash my bedding every week, so laundry means making the bed.)

I watched a movie that S at SNB loaned me: Vera Drake. Interesting.

I edged half an afghan square. I think I'll go finish that off, then pack up the pita bread and go to bed. (The bread needs to cool before I freeze it. Although I actually managed to get the bread rising before being picked up to feed the squirrels, I procrastinated after I got back. Partially because I wanted a shower before touching the bread, and the shower curtain was in the laundry. Then because I wanted to finish watching Vera Drake.)

Well, I have to get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow morning, so I should go. Good night!


Daph said...

Have fun at the Ren Faire! Just reading the list of all you've accomplished makes me feel like a slug, LOL!

noricum said...

Well, I didn't have two kids and a husband running around and tiring me out either. ;)