Tuesday, April 25, 2006


My mom pointed out the following horoscope for me in today's Winnipeg Free Press:
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You're very fortunate this year in terms of career, your life path, making a great impression on others, and establishing a respected reputation for yourself. In fact, because of this good fortune, many of you can now turn the abstract into the concrete. (Your dreams are doable!)
I wish I had more faith in horoscopes.


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a good one. I'd start believing in horoscopes right now if I was you!

In this house, we believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny because anything involving free presents or chocolate is OK by us. Isn't this a very similar sort of belief?


noricum said...

Hmmm... my mom is santa and the easter bunny, and she sent me this horoscope... maybe it will be true? ;)

Daph said...

Your mom sounds all knowing and all powerful. I would definitely trust that horoscope, LOL.

noricum said...

My mom is truly all knowing and all powerful. She's awesome, and the bestest mom in the whole wide world.

She's even letting me move into her basement.

At least until Christmas... at which point we renegotiate.