Sunday, January 28, 2007


Labels are cool... however, I have 2456 posts (prior to this one), so I think I'll skip adding labels to all my old posts. I did add labels to the most recent 25, and plan to add labels to all new posts. Perhaps when I'm really bored I'll go back and label some of the old posts. For now, I'm going to try to get things back on the sidebar. ;)


Deneen said...

I only labeled my patterns (free ones) for my old ones and my Foodie Friday ones and I think that's all I'll label.

Anonymous said...

Just warn us beforehand if you do, so we know that we can delete the 50 or 100s of posts that show up in bloglines or our inbox. I read you through LJ so it's not too big a deal, but it's a nice courtesy measure that I've seen other people use.

noricum said...

Does adding a label make it show up as new in LJ? I checked Bloglines, and it doesn't show up as new there. (The ones that did show up as new were due to the switch, and that shouldn't happen again.)

I'll check LJ, and if they are showing up new there, I'll be sure to post warnings. ;)