Sunday, January 11, 2009

Best. Skates. Ever.

Skating at St Vital Park
I took Swatchy skating today. (Dad's in the KoC, and one of their groups from his church was having a skating party.) After we dropped off some supplies, I made dad take me to Canadian Tire so that I could buy better skates. These are the Best. Skates. Ever.
Best. Skates. Ever.
They are wide enough for my feet, *and* insulated! Plus the dial-wire-laces thing is so fast and easy to adjust! *Love*! Totally worth the $100 I shelled out today. (Budget not so happy, but being able to get exercise while not being in pain... worth it!)

Now, if only I could see too...
Frosty with Cocoa


dragon knitter said...

Canadian Tire for skates? am i missing something here?

noricum said...

Huh... I forgot you were American, until you asked that. ;) Think small Walmart with larger than normal automotive, sports, and outdoors/garden departments. ;) It's a Canadian institution.