Don't you love the stripes? (Well, it's okay if you don't. I like them. ;) ) I was trying to decide which pair of socks to start next, and eventually decided to do the pair for myself. I'm justifying it by saying this way I'll be able to figure out the trim, and not make mistakes in my friend's sock's trim... riiiiiiight. ;)
Socks remind me... I got an e-mail the other day from someone who will be coming here in January, and found my sock site. Looks like we'll be getting together to crochet, and maybe talk other geeky stuff! (D will be a postdoc in biology.)
So I decided to watch one of my cheap movies tonight... I took a risk and watched "Dying Young". I think my Prozac dose is definitely high enough (maybe too high?), because I didn't feel sad at all when the movie was over. (The past few years I haven't been able to watch "chick flicks" without feeling depressed afterwards.) I thought it was a bit interesting the way they echoed the art images in the two main characters, but I felt the story was a bit lacking otherwise. Julia Roberts isn't believable as a dumb high-school dropout, and they were laying the stereotypes on rather thick. If they had spent less time on the stereotypes, and more time on developing a believeable relationship between the two of them, it would have been a much better movie.
Well, this movie critic is up past her bedtime... good night. :)
I got an e-mail the other day from someone who will be coming here in January, and found my sock site. Looks like we'll be getting together to crochet, and maybe talk other geeky stuff! (D will be a postdoc in biology.)Can I crochet with y'all, too?
Of course! :)
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