Monday, October 03, 2005


I had a strange dream last night. Not a bad dream, but a strange one. (I set the temperature to 70 instead of 69... maybe 70F is warm enough for me to dream, but just good dreams?)

In this dream Chicago (which I haven't ever been to, I don't know why it was in my dream but it was) was on the New England coast somewhere, with mountains similar in height to those on Vancouver Island surrounding it. The fall colours were glorious, but more like that of northern Manitoba than of New England. The spruce were green, and the remaining trees were the glorious gold of poplars and birch.

For some reason, I was part of a nature research group, and so we were flying to various locations on the mountains surrounding Chicago in a small plane. A plane, not a helicopter, even though there were no landing strips anywhere. At every stop our group had a different guide, each of which was a good looking man about my age. I didn't really get a chance to talk to any of them, even though I wanted to.

I really remember one view across some bare bedrock (like in northern Manitoba) at a stand of spruce that were absolutely gorgeous... like a watercolour. They were a midnight blue, and the colours flowed like my silk paints. I wanted so bad to sit and paint that picture. (Although I can mostly remember it now, I can't remember it well enough to paint it.)

Certainly a mixed-up dream, but very enjoyable. I wish I had nature safari dreams like that more often. It's certainly a cheap way to travel. ;)

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