Sunday, October 02, 2005


Bathroom sink and shower now clean, and I dusted various ledges as well. I even cleaned the part of the windowsill between the window and the screen. That was mostly because I had to open the window to try to clear the fumes, and the outside portion of the sill was truly disgusting: a full spring worth of pollen, plus whatever tiny bugs had crawled through the screen and died.

Blargh... I hate what chlorine does to my lungs.

A show of hands here... how many people have bad reactions (allergies, asthma, or otherwise) to cleaning products?

It sucks.

A while back I bought one of those swiffer mops, with the hope I'd mop more often. I pulled it out of the box, and started reacting to the bottle of cleaner, which I hadn't even removed from it's protective plastic bag. Since then I haven't been brave enough to try the stupid mop... if I do, how long will I need to stay out of the house? Or will it just be a minor nuisance? I *will* try it one of these days... I did spend $20 on it, after all. I didn't notice it bothering me in Winnipeg where my parents use it... although they may use a different formula in Canada.

Which reminds me... why do they feel the need to *scent* cleaners?!? Even the Chlorox Clean-Up says it has a "clean scent". Um, no, chlorox smells like bleach. You'd have to add a ton of scent before it could be detected over the bleach smell, and then I'd *really* be reacting to the stupid stuff. And there *are* cleaning products that I'd be fine with if they didn't use a scent... why on earth is it impossible to buy most cleaning products unscented??!?

Well, I'm going to go collapse on the couch until I recover from the bleach. Next task is sweeping and vacuuming, both of which stir up the dust I'm allergic to. (If it's not the scent, it's the dust.)

One day I will earn enough to hire someone to clean my place for me...


Nancy said...

There are some commercial cleaning strength products I have a problem with. Not a problem at home, but a problem if I visit someone at a hospital, or at school.

Marvie said...

Bleach does something to my lungs. I'm not asthmatic, but every so often I have an asthma like attack, and bleach will do it. Not to mention the horrid smell and the taste it leaves in my mouth. Gah I detest bleach. Hubby does our shower when it needs done, and when he's on 6 month deployments it just doesn't get done.

I tend to try to stick with cheap cleaners, so I use Vinegar a *lot* there are hundreds of uses for the stuff lol. Same with Baking Soda, Salt, Lemon Juice.... Granted, none have the killing power of bleach, but I've learned that if I keep the mold count down with vinegar while hubby is gone, it doesn't stick around too bad and then he kills the stuff when he gets home.

Not much advice I can offer on the dust, I assume you either use or have tried the face mask thingy so you don't breath too much of it while you're cleaning?

Sounds like you've accomplished a *lot*! That's wonderful, but don't make yourself sick ;)