Before I'm done ranting, here are two more of my "pet peeves":
1. "The Donald" may have more money than everyone else, but I know other people with that name. You *don't* own it!
2. Clapotis. Cool knit pattern, bad name. I don't know about you, but it sounds like a vd to me... and to my mom too, when I asked her opinion. Maybe I'm pronouncing it wrong? If I ever decide to make this mistake naming something, please hit me. Hard.
Rant done. Well, at least my head will be warmer now... I call it "I know it looks silly, they all do, so this one does on purpose, but my head is really warm" tuque. (Yeah, I obviously need a better, and much shorter name.) Here's my new blue tuque:

I planned my yarn use really well... here's how much was left over from my two balls:

Is this a good day or what? :) I ♥ my new tuque! ;)
Nice tuque! But I must say, in reading your last line, I wanted to say "I heart my new tuque!" :-b
Well, you can read that whatever way makes you happiest... that's the point of putting the heart there. ;)
I like the hat name, and the hat itself, and I think it looks CUTE on you! It has personality, don'tcha know! As for clapotis... when I first saw that I started giggling to myself, and then the pattern said, "It's pronounced 'clap-oh-tee'" and I thought, "Um, that doesn't make it ANY better..."
Thanks! :)
So it's not just me... ;) (And no, it isn't all that much better with the "correct" pronunciation... ;) )
"the Donald" has enough of "the money" to buy some new "the hair" me thinks,.....[thought now finished] hehe
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