My friend Moni came over to help me... I always need extra hands come assembly time, and Moni enjoys crafty stuff too. Here she is adding lederhosen to the little gingerbread people:

Aren't they cute in their lederhosen?!:

I'm looking forward to more crafty time with Moni when I've quit NC for good... thanks for helping Moni! :))
Snow update... although the last dump of snow was soft and fluffy, there was a lot. It took the three of us another 45 minutes to shovel out this morning, and we weren't sure whether Moni would be able to make it over. We've run out of space to put the snow from the driveway, so after clearing the back walk, I shovelled snow from the yard above the driveway to farther back. Now, instead of having to hoist the snow about five feet, we only have to hoist it about half that. At least, until we've shovelled more snow there. :P
I made more progress on the raglan pattern. I have it all jotted down in scribbles, and now just need to type it up. Oh... and give it a nifty name... raglan sweater sounds so boring. I've decided to call the purple stripe sweater "Vertigo" (because of the vertical stripes). Any ideas on cool names for the raglan? For those who've forgotten, this is what it looks like:

I'm thinking maybe "Evelyn", but that's just a random name, and doesn't mean much.
Oh... and thanks for recommending Blackmore's Night, Marvie! I finally listened to clips on iTunes, and I'm definitely going to buy the CD on my next Amazon order! Wow... it's exactly the type of music I like! (Of course, I like lots of types... but certainly not all types.)
That treehouse is gorgeous! I'm guessing that took a lot of time and patience! Ya'll did an excellent job =)
I'm glad you enjoyed Blackmore's Night =) I just love them! I'd LOVE to be able to see them in concert someday =)
What kind of yarn did you use for the sweater? That might help in coming up with a good name.
I like how the gingerbread house turned out, and yes, they DO look cute in their Lederhosen.
Thanks for the compliments. :)
I started baking the pieces around 3, my friend arrived around 4, and we worked until about 9:30, with a break for dinner. So it wasn't actually any more time consuming than any of the other gingerbread houses I've made.
The yarn is TLC Amore, in garnet. However, I'm not happy with how the yarn is starting to pill already, so if I ever make it again, I'm using something else!
Hi Andrea! :)
Your gingerbread treehouse is amazing!!! :)
I wish I knew how to do that thing... For Christmas, I made a gingerbread house with my son, but it was a kit and all we had to do was assembling.
Thanks Chie! I could send you my gingerbread recipe. It tastes much better than the kits. ;) I also use melted chocolate chips to hold the gingerbread together, rather than royal icing. It's a bit trickier, but tastes *way* better. :)
i think you should name the sweater aquarius .. garnet is the birthstone of january.. seems to make sense to me ..
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